Patient Information

Hills Medical Practice

Mon - Fri

SA Pathology

Mon - Fri

SA Pathology is closed for lunch from 12.30 - 1.00pm daily.


Billing Information

We take pride in delivering professional, comprehensive, high quality care to our patients.

In continuing this provision of quality services patients who do not qualify for Bulk Billing will be billed privately for their consultation.

The Treatment Room Fee is based on the procedure performed.

All billings must be paid on the day of consultation.

This includes all fees and gap payments.

Our current fees are listed on a sign on each of the reception desks. We accept cash, cheque, some credit cards and Eftpos. We encourage you to pay on the day of the consultation.

If you are having financial difficulties please discuss this with your doctor.

After Hours

For medical attention, phone the usual practice number 83392644 – you will be asked to make a selection from 3 options:

  • Press 1 for 000,
  • Press 2 to speak to a Nurse at Health Direct, who will offer advice
  • Press 3 and the call will be transferred to 13SICK National Home Doctor Service.

Stirling Hospital does NOT offer emergency services.

Home & Institutional Visits

We provide care to patients in all the local nursing homes, aged care hostels and Stirling Hospital.

Home visits can be arranged if you are unable to come to the surgery.

Teaching & Research

Our practice participates in teaching and research.

No teaching or research activities will be conducted in this practice without your consent. You will be notified if a student is likely to be present.

If this does not suit you, please ask to see the doctor without the student.


We are committed to seeking active feedback about our performance. If you have any suggestions, complaints or queries about treatment, fees or any aspect of the service, we encourage you to raise them with any of the doctors or staff. Alternatively you may post it in our suggestion box.

If you have a complaint about some aspect of the care you receive, we encourage you to deal with the matter here, within the practice as suggested above. However, should you have a problem you wish to deal with outside the practice:

For a complaint against a specific doctor, this can be done through Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Call 1300419495 Mond-Frid 9.00 – 5.00pm.

For a complaint against the practice please contact the Department of Health and Ageing (SA HEALTH) 08 8226 6000

The practice takes part in patient surveys as a requirement for re-accreditation. Surveys are aimed at collecting your views on the practice so we can continually improve our services. All data collected is confidential.

Reminders & Recalls

The practice has a computerised reminder/recall system which is part of the National/State/Territory Reminder System or Register - available to all patients wishing to be enrolled in the process, once consent is given.


Our policy is to encourage full immunisation in children and adults.

We stock all of the routine childhood immunisations and influenza vaccine (free for patients over 65 years of age and others with selected conditions - please ask your doctor).

A consultation for childhood immunisations will be charged at the Medicare rebate. We are also able to give advice on travel immunisation.

Test Results

You will need to call the practice to receive your results.

In some instances your doctor may request you make an appointment to follow up on your results. Please call the practice after 10am for results.

Telephone Advice

It may be necessary for you to have a consultation in order for the doctor to appreciate the nature of your problem. If you only require telephone advice the receptionist will take a message and indicate when the doctor is likely to return your call.

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